Since rapper Kanye West came out as a fan of President Donald Trump, he has gained a lot of new friends. But some Evangelicals are going over the top with their love of West.
Conspiracy theory preacher Lance Wallnau branded West “the new Moses, who is going to lead black people off the godless Democratic plantation and back to the GOP.” He recently went on Facebook and blew away the cloud of demonic curses that were attacking Trump.
Wallnau isn’t the only conspiracy theorist who shares these views, according to Right Wing Watch.
Krokin believes in the most outrageous conspiracy such as Pizzagate, which has been debunked. She also believes that Trump plans to expose the secret cabal of celebrities who abuse children.
A long expose of Crokin in the Chicago Reader details how she fell from entertainment reporter to conspiracy theorist.
“A large percentage of Crokin’s posts, interviews, and conversations are tied to a theory that ‘one-third of the government’ is part of a satanic Illuminati-like cult that sexually enslaves, kills, and even eats children. And to maintain power, they draw on Project MK Ultra, an experimental CIA program from 1953 to 1973 in which the agency used LSD and other drugs for mind control, information gathering, and psychological torture,” said Ryan Smith.
According to the Chicago Reader, Crokin was diagnosed with cerebral meningitis, caused by an infection of herpes.
West has also been embraced by Alex Jones, the king of conspiracy theorists.
Jones said West has the same mission as InfoWars. Jones has been sued by the parents of the children killed in the Sandy Hook school shooting after he claimed it was a false flag. Jones also claimed he’d seen video of Hillary Clinton cutting up the bodies of children.
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